Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hey there!

Hey guys!

So, i had to get a new account which means this one is shutting down! But i am up and running on the other one, which i will have a video up on youtube hopefully tomorrow night (i get to play with imovie and the mac!!!) and it will have all of the links to my new blogs and all that jazz! if you have any favourite blog posts of mine just e-mail me to my new e-mail: and i will make sure to get that one up. i will try to get all of them up, but that can't be promised. so hurry!


Friday, December 16, 2011


Hey there!

So, an update on my life is in order?

I only have to take my english final now, but i need to get back the marks for a few other things first. In science i still have to take a ton of tests, but i have most of those planned for after christmas. Right now i only have 2 more tests planned before christmas break. I have 4 days to take those 2 tests. One of those tests is in math. In math i have only taken one test, and i am falling really behind in math. but as long as i have my plan ready to go and i hope i can get back on track with it. Next term i start social and french and religion 25. Other then that life isn't too exciting, except for the fact that christmas is coming up!

I might be getting twitter, i'll keep you updated on that soon!

YouTube: RundleMeg


Saturday, November 12, 2011


Hey guys!!!

So, it has been way to long since my last post! I am so sorry about that! I have just been so busy, which if you watch my YouTube then you know that this isn't the only thing i have been neglecting....

I did post a YouTube video about how i am not going to put up a YouTube video until i can get my life in order and get back on track. Here is kind of an update on how that's going (i will also ost this on my rundlemeg blog

I have a plane to get back on track!!! I am finished two topics in science (well the notes... i have to take the tests this week) and one in math (again, the notes not the test) i still have to finish one in math and two more in science. Then i also have to take a few tests in English but i have to go to the seminars first. after the seminars i will get to take the tests, again scheduled for this week. after this week i should be fairly caught up, if not then by next week for sure! then i just have to get ahead. which shouldn't be hard considering i have all of Christmas break to get it done as well. i can probably get all of my notes for science done and most of English and math. then i am good to go. I start social and Spanish next term, i want to switch Spanish to French though because Spanish is way to hard, although it is something new and exciting! i don't know, what do you guys think i should do???

So, to sum it all up: i am taking at least 2 tests each day this week, along with drama and a couple seminars. then i have to keep caught up and try to get ahead. then i also have to finish all the notes i can over Christmas break, after that i start social and Spanish. At the end of the year i will make a video all about my advice to you for grade ten. I know it's not easy, in fact its really hard.

But anyways, i will talk to you all later!!

kiss kiss!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hey there!

Hey guys!

So I just finished filming two videos and editing one of them. I have missed making videos so much!! The first video is two different Halloween looks. All October I will be filming different halloween costume looks. This first video is two because I thought it would be a good way to start off October. The second video is my September favorites.

Anyways I must go and edit the second video. Look for those on my channel guys :)

Love you lots!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Horseback riding!

Hey guys!!

So anyone ever wanted to try horseback riding? Well I have! So I have decided to tell you guys the benefits of riding :)

I will probably make a video about this as well with a lot more information :)

So first off it is a good way to just think. I love thinking about stuff and I bet certain people do to. If you don't there is still a lot of things that are good about horseback riding.

Secondly, it is a workout. Even if you think it isn't it totally is! You need your leg muscles to stay on the horse. You need your core muscles to balance on the horse as well.

Also people find that horses help them get through hard times in their lives and get through any problems. I know they help me even though I don't ride. I just sit with them and talk to them and all that fun stuff.

Go check out my YouTube channel and there will be a video up about riding soon enough. :)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer plans!!

Hey guys!

So I have a ton of summer plans! I want to share them all with you!

So in a few days I leave for camping so I won't be able to update you guys while I'm out there. But if you guys check out my channel on YouTube I will hopefully have a vlog up all about my camping trip.

Then I have just a couple weeks then I leave for four whole weeks! Hopefully while I'm out there I can update you guys a few times. And I will deffinately vlog while I am out there and post it up.

Now I want to know your summer plans! Either put it in a comment below or on my channel or email me or message me or send me a video any way that you can let me know :)

Anyways I am off to go eat dinner and get some sleep since I am a little sick. I'll talk to you guys soon! Bye for now!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting healthy!!

Hey guys!!!

Today we are going to talk about getting healthy. That means inside and out!! Before we get started I just wanted to let you know that these are the tips that I have found out for my self. I am in no way an expert and these work for me and they should work for you.

Let's start with being healthy inside:

Do you eat chips? Well you still can. Just eat less. Make a bag of chips last you a week or so if you can. Replace chips with carrots or celery or something else.

Instead of sitting around on your couch watching tv or reading or watching YouTube or being on the computer go out for a walk or do some squats or some crunches. Get involved in dance or hockey or what ever you are interested. If a store is in walking distance from your house then walk or bike instead of getting a ride.

Make sure you get your exercise! If you are a teen (like me :)) then you should be getting about 90 minutes of exercise a day. Just remember: the more you sweat dying a work out the less you sweat when you are sitting around.

Eat breakfast! Breakfast kick starts your motabilizim and actually helps you lose weight! Even though losing weight isn't what this is about.

Water is your best friend. Water is super healthy!!! And it helps flush out your system and keep your hair and skin healthy an hydrated. Which leads us Ito the looking healthy on the out side.

Wash your hair every other day so the natural oils can come out. Wash your face twice a day with what ever works best for your skin.

Exercise! Yes, it even helps your appearance! It helps your skin look healthier and your body will look a or healthier too.

Put lotion on every morning and every night. Use a lotion that is super moisturizing. Even if it doesn't smell the best at night. Then for the morning use one that smell a little better but is still moisturizing like one from bath and body works.

Don't use a ton of heat on your hair. If you must use heat on your hair then leave it natural on the weekends or put it up once or twice a week. Or don't wash it for a few days. I know that sounds gross but if you straighten it and don't get it wet then it will stay for a few days and just use some dry shampoo. I will also put up a few no heat hairstyles in a video soon.

Finally the best way to have success with this is to not expect to much. Don't expect to lose weight or get skinny just focus on getting or staying healthy. Not losing weight. If you focus on losing weight then you will fail because you are stressing your self out and that will act against you.

Hope you found this helpful is you have any questions then feel free to email me at or get ahold of me on YouTube. I'll talk to you all later!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer videos!

Hey guys! So more videos are coming your way very soon! But for now I need to do some more editing.

If you have any requests just email me at: and I will make sure I get those videos filmed and edited and uploaded before I leave if I can :)

During the month of august I won't be able to upload any videos until the last few days. I will hopefully film a few and edit them. But I am spending time with my cousins and aunts and uncles so im not sure if I will have time. If I do then I will definitely film some.

I am editing like crazy this week and gouge to be uploading as much as I can because I am camping next week.

But other then that I will talk to you guys soon!

Bye bye for now!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hey guys!

So this is my new blog. I am going to try posting here a lot more and I will be updating you guys as much as I can. Here is where you can read about my life a little bit more or even anything really.

So to get a hold of me go to my YouTube channel RundleMeg or e-mail me at

Thanks again and talk to you guys soon!